Saturday, February 07, 2009

Intimidated No More!!! My Baked Macaroni Experience...

Ever since I can remember, I've always admired and envied friends who had their own baked pasta recipe perfected. There was always the impression that making baked pasta entails a lot of work and requires pretty pricey ingredients. These are the reasons why I never attempted to make baked pasta before. Having been an avid reader of Sassy Cook's food blog has changed my views on preparing baked pasta.

And so for New Year's Media Noche, the star of our simple feast was my version of Sassy Cook's Baked Macaroni. It wasn't as difficult to make as I initially thought it would be and I didn't need to buy expensive ingredients so I could actually spend more for good melting cheese.

It was a hit with the family! For the complete recipe...go to this link.

Thanks to Connie for her inspiring and easy-to-follow food recipes, I'm no longer intimidated by baked pasta.


janis said...

wow! looks yummy :)

Pasyalera said...

looks yummy! I tried following the recipe I found in a magazine, but I failed twice! huhu. I wish I can cook like you.

Unknown said...

That looks soooooooooo good! I'm going to have to try this one! Thanks for sharing!